Connecting to Learning Experiences

Establishing meaningful connections in one’s journey of learning in the programme can be easily achieved. Naturally, through authentic tasks and reflection, it is easy to understand and even make linkages between content and one’s personal and professional life. However, making wholesome and deep connections that set out to modernise the body of knowledge in the field takes a different level of introspection. For instance, an artefact where I felt best displayed my connection to the learning experience, showcases a proposed addition to project plan development. I believe the first inkling of connection was made when we were tasked with adopting the role as Instructional Designers and in groups, had to find ways to improve the text used in class. By being placed in this situation, it allowed us to critique authoritative work and devise novel ideas to enhance it. However, it would be remiss not to attribute some of the connections made to resources such as textbooks. These include texts used and suggested in class such as the PMBOK, and ‘Cases on Information Technology Planning, Design and Implementation’, listening to podcasts engaging with other additional and independent reading materials and using the same tools that experts or Project Managers would use in the daily execution of their duties. These interactions and materials consequently exposed me to different and multiple perspectives. In addition, using a project from my work experience allowed me to reflect, observe, think back, ponder on and question. I began to question common trends and patterns and to think of my professional life and work life outside of the school setting. One area that stood out for me was quality. As such, the idea to have a pre-assessment of quality checking was born.

Select the button and the ‘Connections to Experience’  artefact. Explore an illustration of how quality’s evaluability can be fast-tracked in Project Management.